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P&R Zombie Apocalypse Human Resource Inventory / Social Experiment
Here is a fun little exercise where we can inventory one another's abilities and ideas for the Zombie Apocalypse.

Not only will it make our survivability factor increase, it will also serve as a social experiment to teach us about one another, gain respect for one another, and possibly gain an understanding of how differing peoples can come together for a common cause.

It will also be interesting to see if any sort of pecking order sorts itself out.
Big Grin

Anyway.... I propose we start out by listing what we bring to the table in skills.
You may start with just a few and add to your list, as we go.
Also, feel free to ask about others experiences in the skills they have listed.
I'm sure there will be a lot of 6'6" Navy Seals that we need to sort

After our usual suspects have listed their wares, we may propose situations and ask how people would handle that situation.
You can suggest using your own skills, or recommend others to take on a task.

1. Plenty of weapons experience and inventory
2. Survival/First Aid
3. Security
4. Building/Engineering/Fabrication
5. Interrogation/Negotiation/Diplomacy
6. Electrical/Electronics
7. Comedy Relief
(Former industrial mechanic)

1. Planning
2. Team Management
3. Rapid Response/Crisis Management

1. Teacher
2. Brad Repellent
3. Eye Candy
4. Conflict Resolution
5. Cooking
6. Home Maintenance
7. Electronics
8. Quite Possibly Aquaman

1. Medic
2. Construction
3. Marksman
4. Tactician
5. Improvised Weapons
6. Engineering
7. Botany
8. Meat Prep/Cure
9. Land Navigation  
10. Survival/Snares/Trapping

1. Leadership Icon
2. Modesty Specialist
3. Bastion of Virile Sexuality

1. Bowman
2. Problem Solver
3. Team Leader
4. Project Management
5. Detail Specialist
6. Cook (I can't express how important this can be)
7. Experienced Backwoods Camper
8. Proficient with Arial & Topographical maps
9. Traps/Snares
10. Construction

1. Finding Chicks

Johnny Cupcakes:
1. Ace Backpacker (sounds dirty, eh?)
2. Civil Engineering/Construction
3. Creative Thinking
4. Pianist/Singer (Bard)
5. Reads Chinese
6. Total Badass (quite possibly Richard Sherman)

1. The Delegator (name alone shall instill fear upon opposing groups)
2. Professional Agitator
3. Considered a Dr. in SHTF Environment
4. Pharmaceutical Experience
5. Army Infantry/Ranger (can put rest through SERE)
6. Small Arms Expert
7. Demolition
8. Small Unit Tactics (there's a joke here)
9. Survival/Fish/Hunt/Fitness
10. Mountaineering
11. Scuba/Maritime Experience
12. Equestrian Experience
13. Construction/Heavy Equipment Operation
14. Farming
15. Planning/Conducting Sensitive Operations

1. Can yell for "Corral !"

1. Military
2. Combat
3. Survival/Knots
4. Firefighter
5. Paramedic
6. Speaks Some Spanish

1. Naval Navigation
2. Small Arms
3. EMT
4. Psych Training/Conflict Resolution
5. Boy Scout
6. Cook/Bartender

1. Scout
2. Resident Cynic (not really, he had valid points)

1. Extra Strength Brad Repellent
2. Sloppy Repellent
3. rfaulk34's Handler

1. Public Confidence Booster
2. Drunken Comedy Gold
3. Willing to Dawn Red Star Trek Uniform
4. May Answer to "Scotty" to Remain Alive

1. Meatshield
2. High Pain Threshold
3. Selfless Hero
4. Answers to "Binkman", Need to Change to "Otis"

** If you think this is a terrible idea, sound off !

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P&R Zombie Apocalypse Human Resource Inventory / Social Experiment - Rotobeast - 09-02-2015, 04:46 PM

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