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P&R Zombie Apocalypse Human Resource Inventory / Social Experiment
While having a bunch of people together that brings different skills, I think I will stay by myself with my family or a small group of people.

A large group of people tends to be a problem in many different ways and this is off the top of my head. A small group is a group of 10 or less while a large group would be 10 or above.

First, there will always be a power struggle between multiple people and that is never a good idea especially with the threat outside the group.

Second, there will be those, even if they don't mean to, who spit the large group into two or more factions.

Third, if someone happens to become infected, there is a greater chance of having multiple people becoming infected killing the group.

Fourth, the lack of food and water for large groups will be a problem especially when it's found out that the leader or leaders are eating their fills while the rest of the group suffers.

Fifth, shelter and protection is harder to come by for large groups of people. There will always be a few who will not do their jobs and threaten the safety of the collective.

Sixth, it's easier and faster to be able to move with small groups of people while large groups will take much more time and a lot of patients. Plus it's easier to stay quiet in smaller groups.

Seventh, large groups will have different objectives while a small group will pretty much all be on the same page.

I'm sure I can think of more if I wanted too.
Song of Solomon 2:15
Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes.

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RE: P&R Zombie Apocalypse Human Resource Inventory / Social Experiment - Nebuchadnezzar - 09-03-2015, 03:26 AM

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