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SCOTUS orders thrice-divorced KY county clerk to issue marriage license
IMO she should be dealt with using as much restraint as possible. She wants to be a martyr. Sending her to jail, impeaching her, or levying massive financial hardship via federal contempt fines would be sufficient ways to make her one. This will galvanize and boost the shrinking influence of the evangelical movement in our nation's politics. personally, I'd like to see them continue to slowly go away as they are now.

I'd go about appointing someone that could circumvent her office and administer the licenses as a proxy clerk if legally possible. Dock her pay slightly for refusal to perform her duties and move on. Watch her fade into the background and cut off the cries of religious persecution from the fundamentalists.

Her punishment will be her place in history as an enemy of civil rights. She will be in the company of the George Wallaces and Bull Connors of the last century and her kids will live with her tarnished legacy forever. In short, make her a goat, not a hero. Slowly squeeze her out without dramatic effect. Hate and vitriol in her direction will only galvanize her and her supporters.

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RE: SCOTUS orders thrice-divorced KY county clerk to issue marriage license - samhain - 09-03-2015, 11:37 AM

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