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SCOTUS orders thrice-divorced KY county clerk to issue marriage license
(09-03-2015, 11:43 AM)Benton Wrote: I'm thinking they would have to pass a law to do that, which would involve lots of time and money. All that needs to happen, if I'm not mistaken, is for her current appeal to get ruled on. That would lift the current protection of her being fired for not performing the duties of her office, and then she could just be unemployed.

Even better.  When the taxpayers are made to foot the bill for the legal process in addition to the salary of the special clerk (made necessary by the actions of Davis), then the the finger can be pointed directly at her, as she continues to remain in her position and enjoy her current standard of living.  Let her go down as a burden on the tax payer, not a hero to the cause.  

She knows full well that she's going to get the hammer at some point when an end comes to this charade.  She's banking on it.  It's guaranteed that she'll be a hero to the right and remain in the public eye for awhile.  I say don't give it to her.  Let her go down as a crybaby who wouldn't do her job.  Let her be an example of a special interest that becomes a drain on the public coffers.

To boot, the public will grow weary of hearing about her constantly as the legal process slogs along. Her 15 minutes will be long passed when a conclusion is reached and her calculated campaign for martyrdom will have failed.

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RE: SCOTUS orders thrice-divorced KY county clerk to issue marriage license - samhain - 09-03-2015, 11:52 AM

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