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Eric Reid filing collusion Grievence
The league left open the can of worms when they opted to let players openly protest. Whether you agree with or disagree with the players desire to protest is really irrelevant. The league in effect backed the protests at the time and  now apparently wants to reseal the can of worms and force players to commit to giving up their right to protest. The league is coming over as an entity trying to have it both ways. They want players to voice their opinions, but only when it doesn't conflict with their ability to generate revenue and there is really no way to determine what may or may not become a flash point later on down the road. This one is over kneeling during the anthem over police brutality, etc., but who knows what the next protest might crop up and whether the public will agree or disagree.  It's tough to tell which side of history any protest might end up on. Not long ago there were protests and debates over whether black players could play in the leagues. In 1940 having a black player on your team would have been unthinkable ,but now a majority of players are black and not many people give it a second thought. 
They're of course different issues, but there are similarities as well. 
There really are more important issues our nation faces than whether the league makes enough revenue or not and we certainly will never come to a consensus on police tactics. After all, is there really any majorities of people in favor of letting police shoot and kill people whenever the mood strikes them? Of course not so we've reached the point where standing up during a song is more important than the lives of people getting killed . I don't see how this is going to end well for the league if they are going to attempt to silence protest something that the majority of people are fundamentally opposed to, a police state with extrajudicial killings. 
Both sides of this issue, kneeling during anthem have handled it about as bad as possible. I don't think anyone could have even written a script that handled it worse than this is playing out .

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RE: Eric Reid filing collusion Grievence - grampahol - 05-02-2018, 12:56 PM

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