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Trump wrote his own doctors note
(05-02-2018, 11:14 PM)SunsetBengal Wrote: One day, you'll get why his supporters love him.  (hint!  It's because he's an imperfect person, just like the rest of us)

Now this is interesting and I have a thousand questions about that.

For one... Trump is not just the everyday flawed person. I am flawed, I guess you are, we all are, sure. But there's still a bar we hop over. We do not walk into women's locker rooms and lewdly brag about it, we don't betray our spouse with pornstars and other women and try to pay their silence afterwards. We don't permanently lie, we are not narcissistic egomaniacs, we don't declare ourselves geniusses, suggest beating up people, talk shit to children or slander/belittle/insult others on twitter. We'd never run a fraudulent "university" or publicly suggest Mexican-named judges are biased against us because of our politics. And, just to include the topic, we don't dictate our doctors ridiculously praises of our health. I mean, this list does go on and you know that, so I skip the thousand lines that could follow.

Now while I am all in favour of not holding politicians to artificially high standards, the list of Trump's personal flaws seem a bit much to accept, but what I really can't get is why it's just these imperfections that make him actually likeable. I mean, really? All these lies, all these failings in personal conduct makes his supporters love him because he's just as flawed as them? Or, in your case I feel that's a safe assumption, way more flawed than you?

Also, I think "just as imperfect as us" is not a reasonable criteria for a political leader to begin with. Yeah I'm imperfect, doesn't mean I root for the politicians who I consider having at least the same amount of imperfections than myself. And I have a feeling you wouldn't give a Democrat president the same courtesy. If Obama had hushmoneyed a pornstar to hide a lewd affair... I guess there's no way you'd "loved" him because of that. Not even if he'd still run a business empire while in office.

In short, that line puzzles me.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Messages In This Thread
Trump wrote his own doctors note - Griever - 05-02-2018, 03:02 PM
RE: Trump wrote his own doctors note - hollodero - 05-03-2018, 04:53 AM

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