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Canadian PM Justin Trudeau: Our Illegal Immigration Problem Is America's Fault
(05-04-2018, 01:29 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: There has never been or any attempt made to ban Muslims.

That’s just more nonsense and lies from the open borders crowd.

December 8, 2015: On MSNBC:

Quote:Geist: Donald, a customs agent would then ask a person their religion?

Trump: That would be probably—they would say, “Are you Muslim?”

Geist: And if they said, “Yes,” they would not be allowed in the country?

Trump: That’s correct.

March 9, 2016: On CNN:

Quote:I think Islam hates us. There is something – there is something there that is a tremendous hatred there. There’s a tremendous hatred. We have to get to the bottom of it. There’s an unbelievable hatred of us… . we can’t allow people coming into this country who have this hatred of the United States and of people who are not Muslim.

[1] [b]1[/b]. May 11, 2016: On Fox News:

Quote:I’m looking at it very strongly with Rudy Giuliani heading it. I’ve spoken to him a little while ago. We’re going to put together a group of five or six people. Very, very highly thought of people, and I think Rudy will head it up, and we’ll look at the Muslim ban or the ‘temporary ban’ as we call it … He will head it up and he’s agreed to do so.

January 29, 2017: On Fox News:

Quote:Jeanine Pirro: I want to ask you about this ban [the territory ban Executive Order] and the protests. Does the ban [the territory ban] have anything to do with religion? How did the president decide the seven countries? I understand the permanent ban on the refugees. Talk to me.
Rudy Giuliani: I will tell you the whole history of it [the Executive Order]. When he first announced it [the Executive Order], he said, ‘Muslim ban.’ He called me up.[b] He said, ‘Put a commission together. Show me the right way to do it [the Muslim ban] legally.’[/b] I put a commission together with Judge Mukasey, with Congressman McCaul, [Congressman] Pete King, whole group of other very expert lawyers on this. And what we did was, we focused on, instead of religion, danger—the areas of the world that create danger for us, which is factual basis, not a religious basis. Perfectly legal.

On October 9, 2016: In a debate:
Moderator: Your running mate said this week that the Muslim ban is no longer your position, and if it is, was it a mistake to have a religious test?
Trump: …[b]The Muslim ban is something that in some form has morphed into extreme vetting for certain areas of the world.[/b]

Quote:[11] Moderator: Why did it morph into that? Answer the question. Would you please explain whether [b]the Muslim ban[/b] still stands?
Trump: [b]It is called extreme vetting.[/b] We are going to areas like Syria.

[12] [b]12[/b]. December 21, 2016: In an interview:

Quote:Reporter: Have you had cause to rethink or reevaluate your plans to create a Muslim register or [b]ban Muslim immigration to the United States?
Trump: [b]You know my plans all along[/b], and I’ve proven to be right, 100 percent correct.

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RE: Canadian PM Justin Trudeau: Our Illegal Immigration Problem Is America's Fault - fredtoast - 05-04-2018, 02:30 PM

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