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Michelle wolf, Sarah huckabee, and the WHCD
(05-05-2018, 12:07 AM)Dill Wrote: Why the inability to support your accusations with examples? First the claim I "plausibly deny" you are a right winger. No examples. But you thank me for no longer behaving as you claimed I do. When? Where?  Now I am "direct." Courageous.  I have changed from when I . . . ? Still no examples.  Gaslighting fail here.

So Hollo straightens you out on a right wing term. And suddenly cultural suicide wasn't really your "central point" anyway. Now you'll "stand by" your lament about German guilt.  So sad that is.  lol  And all this means I am somehow "confused" about . . . what?  I was not the one who muddled a lament of cultural suicide with the German guilt motif.  Germans aren't acting in an ethically commendable fashion by taking in Muslim refugees if it's REALLY all about guilt. (I wonder how many Germans you know.) That's why you get no pat on the head for claiming to retract an alt right term and then continuing the lament about cultural dilution.  But now you just mean culture will "change a little" in a country that takes in "repressive" Muslims.  Any culture will.  That's all.  Before moving on to reaffirm the necessity of fearing Islam.

And if you ever finally reject the German guilt/cultural dilution line then your position will align with my "confused" position.  Perhaps you'll even say that is what you really meant all along; my reading was the problem. 

Actually, I pointed out a lot of "odious" people who agreed with the right-wing position you just reaffirmed--it's just that kind of postion.  So mine is the tried and true tactic of people who support points with examples.   (The "Radical's handbook" is different on the left.) Rather than call D'Souza a "cretin" and chatter on about how someone else destroyed him and what I might think of THAT guy, why not use the space to explain why your position on the alleged "leftist"-Islamic alliance dovetails with a cretin"s. Not to mention the 2nd Amendment D'Souza thinks what about the "leftist" response to Trump's election? Maybe D'Souza is not a "secularist"? Perhaps that is where you differ from him?

Lots of non-Muslim nations are repressive of women and homosexuals. (e.g. Russia is increasingly homophobic;Indians have brought their homophobia to the US  Such repression is as much (or more) a developmental as a religious problem. You speak of a "tactic" of using one odious person to rub off odium on another, while you would do exactly this at the international level by making some nations (like Saudi Arabia) and some sects stand in for the whole of Islam.

There is no "absolutely correct" reason for Americans--especially American women--to "fear Islam" because women cannot drive in Saudi Arabia.

And I would not mind at all if people pointed out that Hitler and I agreed on the need for good infrastructure. I'm pretty sure we would. But we are not talking about Autobahns.  We are talking about stoking fear of a religious minority.  

(PS what is the title of this thread? How many times of you popped up on  a thread to police me, or Dino or Fred, admonishing us to stick to the topic?)

Keep picking at that one thread, Dill.  No one but you and your little buddies are buying your story.  Fact, the vast majority of muslim countries are incredibly oppressive to women, homosexuals and anyone who isn't the right kind of muslim.  You know this is true, hence your complete dodge of the point at every turn.  Keep telling us anecdotal stories of a muslim kid returning your wallet.  It's heartwarming and it's also irrelevant.  Keep villainizing and attacking those that oppose your viewpoints instead of addressing their points, it only exposes how pathetically weak your position is.  You laughingly try and play this off with off the cuff references to women not being able to "drive in Saudi Arabia" while knowing damn well that the oppression of women in that country is hardly limited to that one act.  How dare you pretend to be a progressive liberal feminist while mitigating the extreme oppression of women in these societies.  You should be utterly ashamed of yourself for excusing the utter subjugation of half the human race for the mere purpose of appearing progressively virtuous.  However, I doubt you possess the capacity for such self examination, more's the pity.  

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RE: Michelle wolf, Sarah huckabee, and the WHCD - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 05-05-2018, 03:03 AM

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