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Trump supporters don't want to talk about Trump
(05-14-2018, 11:07 PM)bfine32 Wrote: If I were to guess I'd say the last lie misconception Obama shared with the American Public was less than 5 years ago. WTS. Trump was not running against Obama (at least not legally); he was running against Hills. Now you don't have to answer, but ask yourself: would you or others be equally condemning of her lies. Remember this is a woman that had to run from sniper fire upon landing in Bosnia and knew nothing about the DNC's attempts to sway the nomination her way.

No doubt Mother Teresa is more honest than Trump, but to make an omelette sometimes you have to break a few eggs. 

If Hillary paid off a porn star and lied about it and had our national security adviser and other members of her campaign indicted and had a bunch of people in the white house who couldnt get security clearance and then paraded out Chelsea Clinton for an ill advised embassy move with shitloads of people getting killed. Plenty of democrats would be giving her hell and on board for impeachment. Republicans heads would have already exploded in nuclear fashion.

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RE: Trump supporters don't want to talk about Trump - NATI BENGALS - 05-14-2018, 11:17 PM

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