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Trump supporters don't want to talk about Trump
(05-14-2018, 08:22 PM)hollodero Wrote: Well, define "major". Draining a swamp and throwing the lobbyists out of Washington is a major policy issue, right? He totally lied about his intentions there. There was no swamp drained. And lobbying became internationalized. See dimplomats in hotels, or Japan buying Kushner properties, and such. I think that's an important lie.

Apologies for the delayed reply, I wanted to give this answer some actual attention.  First off, such an ambiguous statement as "drain the swamp" could be considered fulfilled or not based on your perception of the swamp.  Trump has certainly shaken things up in DC as far as how things are done.  Whether this is a good or bad thing depends on your perspective.  As for Kushner etc., you'd have to prove things are related to have a point in this regard.  If this could be done the Dems would have been all over it so I don't think you can cite that.

Quote:Then he totally lied about the tax cuts and how they are bad for himself. The lie is not just about himself, it's a major lie about the tax cuts not helping the super-rich like him. Which is a major lie about a major policy issue. Regarding these cuts, another lie concerned the deficit, and how growth will totally balance the deficit out. What a major lie that is.

Neither of us are economists, so definitively stating how the cuts will affect the deficit isn't really feasible.  I do recall him saying the tax cuts wouldn't help the rich, which is obviously untrue.  I know I get a nice amount of extra money per check and I'm certainly not rich by US standards.

Quote:He lied about his tax returns, how he would totally show them after no longer being under audit. That's not a major policy issue, but this was one of those that really showed, he considers all of his voters and all of the country suckers. He broke a promise, how could one not care at all about that.

Is he still under audit?  Not being facetious, I don't know.

Quote:He constantly lies about Eurpoe and especially London. Maybe you do not care, but the US' closest ally sure does. A hospital full of blood because of constant muslim knife attacks? This, of course, not only is offensive to others, it also paints a dire picture of muslims as a whole. Hard to believe this doesn't have consequences for all muslims in the US and elsewhere. Creating hatred is not trivial and unimportant.

I don't recall the "warzone" comments being specifically about muslims.  You yourself commented on the large surge in violent crime and agreed it was at least partially due to immigration to the UK.

Quote:He lies about the FBI and their intentions, painting them as part of a "deep state" and repeating every lie about that. Which corrodes trust and is a major issue, isn't it?

Not getting into tin foil hat areas, but there has been some questionable conduct at the FBI.  McCabe wasn't fired for no reason, nor was he fired by Trump.

Quote:Oh, he also lied about milions of dead and/or illegal people voting for Hillary. This is nefarious. Regarding immigration, he lied about the lottery system and how it works. He lied about muslims cheering 9/11 in New York. He lied about terror attacks not being reported any longer. What do lies like that do with people who believe them?

First off, I appreciate your use of "nefarious", it was well used.  I'll give you these.

Quote:- Doing research, I probably could go on for miles, and still no porn stars, birtherism or other petty stuff. I do understand that one comes to accept the lies as part of his personality. I do not get how one could be so casual about that.

Stormy Daniels is a fugging joke.  He banged her, she accepted hush money and now her and her shyster lawyer are playing on the political climate to self promote.  You do make a decent point though, this is all accepted as Trump being Trump, which is essentially what I've been pointing out about people responding to his every tweet.  I said upon his election that there will be drawbacks to his style of presidency but there will be upsides as well.  His unorthodox approach has nations such as China and N. Korea on their heels.  He doesn't respond they way they've grown to expect the US to respond.  If he can address the trade imbalance with China and bring a resolution to N. Korea then all of his negative qualities will be worth dealing with.  We shall see.

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RE: Trump supporters don't want to talk about Trump - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 05-15-2018, 01:17 PM

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