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Violence at Israeli-Gazan Border
(05-17-2018, 11:23 AM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: I believe the people who were shot were trying to breach the border.  If you believe the Israeli's over a terrorist organization that is.  As to the camp of women and children, one would again have to take the word of a terrorist organization over Israel.  It also begs the question, why would anyone bring women and children to a protest that is planned to be violent?  Would you bring your wife or child to an event you knew was going to be violent?

I took the word of a person that Lucy cited also. I believe he is a journalist.

But if I went to a protest and my family supported it, yes, they would be there. I suppose they should have known that the Israelis would open fire though as that is their goto for any protest. However the tear gas was not be dropped near the border.

(05-17-2018, 11:23 AM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: You mean stating your opinion like when you're asked if you believe Bill Clinton's accusers?  Yes, you are quite brave when it comes to stating your opinion and answering direct questions.

Oh. Were you serious when you asked that like 100 times? And you still remember it? Cool.

(05-17-2018, 11:23 AM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Most definitely.  It's when you make remarks to the extent that we know suspects cooperated because they weren't beaten or killed that your mask slips a bit.  Or a lot I should say.

You took my statement completely out of context. I referenced the "do as the officer says and no one gets hurt" crowd.

(05-17-2018, 11:23 AM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: No, you're not popular outside your little group because you are deliberately untruthful and frequently dodge direct questions.  You've also taken up your buddy Fred's penchant for deliberately twisting the words of others.  You go on thinking of yourself as a crusader for truth though, you clearly need it.

I consider I don't claim to know the truth about anyone else on this board unless I interact within outside of the board. I post things I am interested in discussing or I think will make for good back and forths on the board. If people agree that's good. If people disagree we're going to have a back and forth to find out why. As you are WELL aware I will admit when I am wrong.

Popularity is not my goal. Nor is being a "crusader". It's a politics and religion sub section on a sports board. It's fun to discuss and even argue occasionally. I just don't take it personally. I consider it fortunate to even HAVE a place to post such things and discuss such things. It's a good way to get input from a cross-section of America (and beyond) with different opinions and people with different backgrounds and sources. No one is going to save the world here. Very few people have minds changed here. But the intellectual exchanges make the occasional foray into personal attacks and offtopic rants more than worth it.

In's fun. Smirk
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.

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RE: Violence at Israeli-Gazan Border - GMDino - 05-17-2018, 11:35 AM

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