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Violence at Israeli-Gazan Border
I don't think we need to do a lot of research to know what happened at the Gaza border. It is the same thing that has been happening for decades. The Palestinians want their land back, and since they are a powerless oppressed people they have to result to terrorist tactics. That is the way it has always worked everywhere for all of history. The people with no power are forced to "fight dirty" until the other side either concedes something or commits genocide.

I am sure most of the people on the border were part of Hamas. But Hamas is not paying people to show up. They don't have to because the Palestinians have been oppressed for decades and are pissed about it. All I have seen posted is proof that they paid the ones that were injured. I don't see anything about people getting paid just to show up, and that is because they don't need to.

So the question is, is Israel going to give back some land or are they just going to resort to genocide? Until one of those things happen nothing is going to change.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Violence at Israeli-Gazan Border - fredtoast - 05-18-2018, 04:21 PM

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