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Violence at Israeli-Gazan Border
(05-18-2018, 09:03 PM)Dill Wrote: Thanks for posting that, Bels.

I wouldn't say it was "balanced," but Rosenberg is more balanced that most and certainly balancing in effect, given the current hatefest of Palestinians in the pro-Trump media.

It is true that the "Nakba" protest is a planned, yearly event.  Both MSNBC and CNN have explained this. But moving the US embassy to Jerusalem three days before the event--thereby signalling the US abandonment of any pretense to impartial broker of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict--certainly accounts for the massive size of this demonstration.  The US wanted to time the move for Jerusalem Day, sure, and probably most of the Trump diplomatic team neither suspected nor cared what the fallout might be.

I have yet to read something in the press that, by my lights, gets the role and nature of Hamas right.  Lacking is generally any accurate understanding of the rise of Hamas and its correlation with the lock down of Gaza since 2005. I don't think it unfair to say Hamas has been a boon to Israeli PR, and they will keep it that way if they can.

I do appreciate that Rosenberg and the folks at Tablet.  They posted Ehud Barak's fascinating excerpt from My Country, My Life of Israeli-Iranian relations and the Obama deal.  

I think one of the things that frustrates me in discussions around Gaza and Hamas is when people don't really understand the authoritarian ways of Hamas. Since they have taken power, they haven't allowed for elections to take place. They shot a young man in the kneecaps in the center of town for making an anti-Hamas post on social media. They terrorize the people of Gaza as much or more than they do Israel based on what I am given to understand from people who have spent time there.

It is one of the things that many don't seem to understand. The Palestinians in Gaza are essentially caged in with one dangerous group and on the other side is another dangerous group. They are in a rock and hard place scenario and the world has all but abandoned them.
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RE: Violence at Israeli-Gazan Border - Belsnickel - 05-18-2018, 09:12 PM

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