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Trump Continues to Lead After Debate
(09-04-2015, 02:20 AM)Nebuchadnezzar Wrote: I really thought it would be the next election cycle that the American people would vote in a total whack job but I was's this election cycle.

Until we stop the assault on irrelevant personal details, no one other than narcissistic legacy builders will run.  Romney really was the type we want (successful in business and politics, I'd contend as good a resume as anyone who's run in the past 50 years), although it seems some equate being moderate with establishment/progressive.  In a less polarized envrionment, and not facing an incumbent, Romney probably would have won.  He'd stand an excellent chance against any Dem, but he'd never get the nomination seen as damaged goods. Maybe he should have waited and run in 2016 as a Dem.

Trump's resume actually isn't bad, but he's an asshole with no filter.  Carson may be brilliant, but he has little to no leadership and talks about God WAAAAAYYYYYYY too much.

Fiorina could be good.  I don't know if it should really matter how successful or not someone was in business, but I think being a major CEO puts someone on par, in many respects, with being a governor.

And a lot of this might simply be solved with practical term limits on Congress.  Take away a career in politics, much less a path to becoming rich, and we'll get more people with the interest of the country ahead of their own.

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RE: Trump Continues to Lead After Debate - JustWinBaby - 09-04-2015, 03:27 AM

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