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Violence at Israeli-Gazan Border
(05-21-2018, 12:22 PM)Dill Wrote:
And yet You don't seem to think Palestinians are a "made up" people when you call them terrorists for defending their land.

When it comes to land the Israelis want, you acknowledge there are Palestinians, and that they have or had land and homes, which you claim are just better off under Israeli ownership. 

If you don't agree with the legal premise that all human beings have human rights, among these right to life, liberty and property, if your premise is rather that some ethnic groups are "naturally" more deserving of rights than others, then there is no legal problem here. Israel is an ethnic state premised upon ethnic, not universal, rights, as was South Africa--a settler state founded by Europeans who seized land by force from people who had lived there for millenia.  Under that sort of tribalist, pre-Enlightment conception of law, there is nothing illegal about people who deserve land (in their own eyes) taking it from those who don't.

Once the universal rights are denied, then the only right is the right of the stronger--no right at all, really, just power.

If you agree to the premise of universal human rights--regardless of race, religion or ethnicity--then there is no legal/political justification for taking other people's land while holding millions of them under a military occupation.

If you thought that rights were universal, and that Palestinians are as real as the land whose appropriation you defend, you should have no problem imagining what it would be like in my example of someone bulldozing your home. If you don't think rights are universal, then empathizing with "animals" who have no rights is pointless.

So we are back to that "first step" I mentioned in the previous post.  Are Palestinians covered by the concept of universal human rights or not?
Once I get you response to that, then that will clear up all the smoke created by trying to have it both ways.

I called the Palestinians terrorists because they elect terrorists to lead them.

I do not believe the palestianians are an actual group of people. Where do you think their origins go back? The are a made up group to be a pain in
The side to Israel. As I said they are located between wakando and Narnia.

I believe in human rights. Which is why I think these palestinaians should just be moved out and sent back to Jordan and Egypt. They have proven they have no ability to take care of themselves and they aren’t interested in any form of peace. A two stare solution sounds great but you need two groups willing to sign up for that, unfortunately Israel has been on its own bending over backwards to help the Palestinians towards an end. Now it’s clear the only solution is a one state, Israel led solution. Israel is showing they can work with Muslims.

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RE: Violence at Israeli-Gazan Border - StLucieBengal - 05-21-2018, 04:50 PM

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