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It's been 461 days since Trump held a press conference?

Quote:President Trump has only had one official solo press conference in his first year in office – far fewer than any of his modern predecessors. 

The nonprofit American Presidency Project, which collects data on presidential press conferences dating back to the Nixon administration, noted the single press conference, which took place on Feb. 16.

Comparably, Barack Obama held seven in his first year in office, while George W. Bush held four.

Here's how everyone else stacked up during their first years in office:
  • Bill Clinton: 11
  • George H. W. Bush: 27
  • Ronald Reagan: 6
  • Jimmy Carter: 22
  • Gerald Ford (who only served from August to December in his first year as president): 4
  • Richard Nixon: 6

This is not to say Trump has addressed the press only once. He often answers questions from reporters in the "pool," a rotation of reporters who follow the president's movements and send the information out to the rest of the press corps. But that is different than a formal press conference, which provide an opportunity for the broader White House press corps to ask their questions.
In addition to his lack of press conferences, Trump is now the first president in 15 years not to hold an end-of-the-year presser, often used to tout major victories from the year.

The end-of-the-year press conference, done right before presidents head out of town for the holidays, have been a tradition, though not a requirement, since the 1970s, [url=]according to CNN

The last time a president to skip was George W. Bush, who didn't hold end-of-the-year pressers in 2001 and 2002, at the start of his presidency. 
He started in 2003, and they've consistently happened ever since, including through the entirety of the Obama administration.

Others who have skipped in recent years past: Clinton and George H. W. Bush, both of whom didn't hold one in 1992 and 2000, each of their last years in office.

At his only formal press conference as president, just weeks after he took office,Trump appeared to enjoy attacking what he called the "fake news." 

"Tomorrow, they will say, 'Donald Trump rants and raves at the press.' I'm not ranting and raving. I'm just telling you. You know, you're dishonest people," Trump said then. "But I'm not ranting and raving. I love this. I'm having a good time doing it." 

He probably thinks it makes him look smart for avoiding the "fake news", but I think it makes him look weak for not facing the press.
[Image: giphy.gif]
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RE: It's been 461 days since Trump held a press conference? - GMDino - 05-23-2018, 04:25 PM

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