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New policy requires on-field players, personnel to stand for anthem
(05-24-2018, 11:25 PM)Shake n Blake Wrote: What I perceive as Patriotism, you perceive as "jingoistic Americanism". We just disagree on what the Anthem represents.

I was not incorrect about Anthem's being played at soccer matches. I never said they were used in league play, but in World Cup and friendly national matches, both Anthems are played. Now if we want to debate whether the Anthem should be played in regular season or in non-international sporting events, I think that makes for an interesting discussion. 

We are unique in that regard, as far as I know. 

I had assumed that was your implication, about club matches, since that would be the equivalent comparison to NFL or any other pro sports matches. National team play isn't an equivalent comparison so I didn't see any valid logical reason to bring it up.

(05-24-2018, 11:25 PM)bfine32 Wrote: They will play the Champions League theme,

As to the point being discussed. Who the hell cares what other countries do before sporting events? We play the National Anthem and have since long before anyone debating this issue ever drew breath. As has been shown, you are not required to stand, if you choose to not take the opportunity provided to show respect to your Nation no one will require you to do so. 

I give less than a damn if India sings God Save the Elephant before their cricket matches, we play the National Anthem; hell, we used to do it before a lot more things. You can stand or you can sit. Anyone,outside of uniformed military (and I don't think they complain), has the right to sit. 

Well, that's not true. It may not be mandatory by law, but force can be used to require people to do so. This is that ambiguity in the term, again. Also, this is working off of the assumption that actions such as kneeling aren't respectful. From the onset of this conversation, about two years ago, now, the statement has been that the intention has been respect but with an acknowledgment of problems.

I understand that you may not find the action respectful, but we aren't going to move anywhere in this conversation if we don't couch it in those terms. You feel it is disrespectful, but not everyone does. That is a subjective interpretation but you aren't presenting it as subjective. This makes it difficult to have any meaningful discussion about the issue.

(05-25-2018, 12:50 AM)HarleyDog Wrote: So you care what others think? Interesting. To remove something or even defend removing something that makes others feel good, because it makes them feel bad is, well, kinda socialistic. Or is it? Maybe Socialism does not seem to fit under that type of thinking. If it’s individualism, than I stated my case earlier.

Either way, I will continue to state the obvious. It’s not about you. Its not all about me. It’s not about personal views. It’s for the greater good of “We the People.” When did we become so horrible to refuse to respect our neighbor?

I don’t care if someone sits during the anthem. Just don’t be a player and do it on national t.v. The young minds who are now dead because an overpaid racist decided to stir the pot between the people who actually loved watching this sport as a family unit, instead of taking the venue to places it belonged is a fool. We should be protecting young minds instead of navigating them with this BS.

Stop promoting hate and start promoting unity. We will grow much further. Our media outlets will not report unity because they thrive off hate. We just need to block out the noise and turn it off and encourage one another.

See my above response to bfine for some of this. To the rest, I'm not really sure what the best way to respond is. The idea that calling attention to race based discrimination and injustices via protest is somehow racist in itself is interesting. That it is promoting hate rather than unity and is not for the common good is contrary to the entire premise of the message. Kaepernick is by no means MLK, but your words are the same words used to describe MLK by the racists at the time as they attempted to silence him and his movement. Just think about that.

(05-25-2018, 07:38 AM)hollodero Wrote: Shocked  just when I thought nothing could shock me any more.

Old steel town that has gone high tech and the club wears black and yellow/gold. Good choice for a Pittsburgh fan. LOL
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RE: New policy requires on-field players, personnel to stand for anthem - Belsnickel - 05-25-2018, 07:55 AM

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