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Corruption on a scale we haven't seen in WH for Centuries
(06-07-2018, 08:17 PM)TheLeonardLeap Wrote: "In centuries:"

It's hardly a Trump-specific issue, it's a wide spanning govenment issue. You do people favors while in office, and then later they remember the favor and they arrange a $3m/yr position as "Honorary Vice President" of some college, or pay you $500k per speech.

Bill Clinton entered office $1m in debt.
A week after leaving office, he bought a $2.85m home.
A US President earns $400k/yr.
$1m + $2.85m = $3.85m
$400k/yr x 8yrs = $3.20m

Even if he didn't spend a single dime of his salary for 8 years, and had zero interest on his $1m in debt, that would still leave him $650k short.

I'm not trying to be the "but Clinton!" guy here, but pretending that literally every single President in modern times (and probably almost always) hasn't been corrupt and gotten rich from the office is downright silly. I can't think of a single poor US President since Truman, and he stopped being President 73 years ago, and died 65 years ago.
Hillary Clinton made $9m in speaking fees during the year after she stopped being Secretary of State.

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If you want to make an article about how everyone is corrupt and making money through favors and political power, by all means I will hop right on in there on your side, because it's an awful problem and it needs to be changed, though I don't particularly see a way to do so when the people who could change it are the ones who are profiting from it.

If you want to make a "OMG TRUMP!" article about how he's somehow unique in his corruption, I am going to laugh in your face and treat your thread with the general disdain it deserves.

Best as I can tell, it's the same-'ol-same-'ol, just Trump is either more incompetent at pretending to hide it, or just doesn't give AF to hide it. Neither is *good*, but hardly "IN CENTURIES!"

Wait, you mean politicians people are paid to write books and go on speaking tours after leaving office? How corrupt! Definitely the same as enacting policies while in office to benefit financially.

The Clintons were roughly $12m in debt when they left the White House, most of that being legal debt, but that doesn't mean they didn't have cash, they were just in debt. They also didn't buy their home outright in cash. You're better off sticking to the Clinton Foundation criticism than this strange attempt to suggest debt means you have no cash and everyone buys homes outright. 
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RE: Corruption on a scale we haven't seen in WH for Centuries - BmorePat87 - 06-08-2018, 08:57 AM

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