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The High Price of Stale Grievances
(06-07-2018, 07:42 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Anybody that thinks there are not whites that currently discriminate against blacks is a fool; likewise anyone that thinks there are not blacks that discriminates against whites is a fool. Anyone that tries to use long ago history to suggest their is a difference in the two is irrational. 

1990 is not long ago history.  I'm only in my fifties and that was when I graduated from grad school.  You think black grads were treated the same as white grads in a city where the wealth elite still belonged to country clubs that excluded blacks.  Can you say that with a straight face?

Both whites and blacks are guilty of racism, but whites control a grossly disproportionate percentage of the wealth and power in this country so it is impossible for them to be oppressed by minorities.  Whites are the ones who have the ability to turn racism into oppression.

And my generation, the people who should be in most of the positions of power in this country, were born before the Civil Rights Act.  My generation was raised by people who benefitted greatly from the oppression of black people.  We are only ONE generation removed from the Jim Crow south and we still benefit from the privilege our families had back then.  This a fact proven by studies of intergenerational wealth elasticity.  In the US the wealth of your parents has a huge influence on your wealth.

Anyone who does not understand this is irrational.  

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RE: The High Price of Stale Grievances - fredtoast - 06-08-2018, 09:39 AM

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