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The High Price of Stale Grievances
(06-08-2018, 12:04 PM)fredtoast Wrote:
"Yet there we were—young black men born decades after anything that could rightly be called ‘oppression’ had ended—benefitting from a social license bequeathed to us by a history that we have only experienced through textbooks and folklore"

How is the discrimination they are facing today not "oppression".  He is making a huge deal out of semantics.  The obvious implication from his direct quote is that black people today are not victims of racism.

I didn't get that "implication" at all.  Again, seeing what you want to see.  Also, the only person I see engaging in a semantic argument is the one I just quoted.

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RE: The High Price of Stale Grievances - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 06-08-2018, 12:08 PM

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