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The High Price of Stale Grievances
(06-08-2018, 03:39 PM)PhilHos Wrote: But his argument isn't that racistm ended decades ago and "only exists in history and folklore". It's that whenever someone makes an argument that may paint blacks in a negative ways it's automatically dismissed as racist because of slavery, etc.

Yes it is.  He repeats it over and over again

"Yet there we were—young black men born decades after anything that could rightly be called ‘oppression’ had ended—benefitting from a social license bequeathed to us by a history that we have only experienced through textbooks and folklore.  .  ."  

"modern-day blacks must be seen through the filter of history—not as autonomous individuals living in the present.  .  . "

"Stale grievances are dredged up from history ,"

"What do slavery and Jim Crow have to do with modern-day blacks, who experienced neither? "

How can this guy honestly claim that there are no blacks around today who lived  in the 1960's?

(06-08-2018, 03:39 PM)PhilHos Wrote:  It's that whenever someone makes an argument that may paint blacks in a negative ways it's automatically dismissed as racist because of slavery, etc.

But this just is not true.  For example he mentions the recent reaction to the incident at Starbucks.  I don't remember one person bringing up slavery in that discussion.  All I heard was about the racism that still exists today.  He also mentions a discussion on "white privilege".  Whenever I see a debate about white privilege it is not about slavery.  It is about the racism that still exists today.  All he did was set up a straw man that was easy for him to knock down.

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RE: The High Price of Stale Grievances - fredtoast - 06-08-2018, 04:24 PM

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