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Trump, Kim sign "comprehensive" document
Still a long way to go.

Just hope this isn't a Chamberlain "Peace in our time" moment and North Korea follows through with the promises.

EDIT: One thing is for sure, countries like Iran, Venasualia, Syria and others that are in direct opposition are watching this very closely. If North Korea follows through and makes these "Drastic Changes" over the next few years and North Korea becomes an economic player in the world and become prosperous, these rogue nations fighting Capitalism will fall except for maybe Iran who is led by a religious zealot.

But like I said, there is still a long way to go and North Korea has a history of getting a little relief and just craping on whatever deal they have agreed to.

I'm cautiously optimistic over this.

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RE: Trump, Kim sign "comprehensive" document - Nebuchadnezzar - 06-12-2018, 04:30 AM

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