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Player gets booed for upholding personal convictions
(06-14-2018, 02:13 PM)Griever Wrote: that pesky ol separation of church and state sure gets in the way for christians to understand why the government cant and shouldnt put up displays of the 10 commandments

the butt hurt, the salt, and the tears from conservatives and fundamentals would be in full view if the federal government put up a monument supporting islam

hell, previous guy in the white house had a muslim sounding name, and conservatives and fundies claimed he was a secret muslim agent for 8 years (and counting)

lets just do no religious monuments, because if anything else is up it will just be further evidence that christians are nothing but hypocrites

A recent Lt Governor of Tennessee, Ron Ramsey, claimed Islam was not even a religion.

Multiple elected state representatives called for the removal of our current governor just because he appoint a Muslim to his cabinet.

Christians would never tolerate Islamic iconography psted on an equal basis with the Christian Ten Commandments, let alone Wiccan or Satanic symbols.  They only want religious freedom for Christian stuff.

Phil, would you rather have young kids go to a school where Islam, Satanic worship, and Christian worship are all treated equally, or would you rather have them all excluded?

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