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Two trans teen win Conn. state championship in track
(06-19-2018, 07:39 PM)TheLeonardLeap Wrote: Wait... you don't think the thing that is categorized as an anabolic steroid, and banned by every competitive organization around, is a significant competitive edge?

Have you never heard of Barry Bonds? You know, the guy who hit 73 home runs and won four straight MVPs in his LATE THIRTIES.

[Image: barry-bonds-steroids-before-and-after.jpg]
(In 1991 he was 26, in 2004 he was 39.)

Sorry Bels, but you saying Testosterone not giving a competitive edge is up there with the people who think the Earth is flat. Lol

Tetrahydrogestrinone, what Bonds used. increases androgen (and thereby testosterone) at levels far exceeding the heightened levels of a trans woman or a hyperandrogenic woman. The information I am referring to is coming from the CAS in arbitration with IAAF that said IAAF failed to prove that the level of increased testosterone provided a competitive edge. Comparing the Bonds case to this is like saying "a laser guided smart bomb with a minimal payload doesn't cause a lot of collateral damage." "But what about this laser guided smart bomb with a nuclear warhead!?"
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RE: Two trans teen win Conn. state championship in track - Belsnickel - 06-19-2018, 07:51 PM

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