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SCOTUS orders thrice-divorced KY county clerk to issue marriage license
Anyone that does something like that isn't going to be "normal" in the traditional sense of the word.

Think about it. What social issue or belief would you be willing to go to jail over? Probably a pretty short list and I don't think you are going to find marriage on too many people's list. I don't think it would be right for someone to marry a frog for instance or for someone to have 15 wives. I am not confining myself to a 8 by 10 foot cell as a means of protest though. That's where I draw the line. I like waking up in my own bed in the morning too much.

For this woman though it was on the list and I guarantee if you sat down and talked to her you're going to hear a person with some very unique views of the world and not just as it relates to gay marriage.

I'm not expecting her to be able to see her own hypocrisy in all of this. Of course she could just quit and find another job that didn't deal with this which is what I think most rationale people would do if that had that much of a problem with it, or just remind herself of the fact that its the state marrying these people and not her. All she does is fill out a form, which by the way 80K for basically being a paper pusher? Any other jobs like that around, because I can start tomorrow if they're looking to replace her. Maybe that's what's why she didn't just up and quit, because I wouldn't give up a job that cushy that pays that much either.

But back to the main point. Her issue isn't that she has to give out marriage licenses to gay people. Her issue is that gay people can get marriage licenses at all. The religious freedom argument was invented because I don't like this wasn't good enough on its own anymore.

Nobody is being stripped of their religious freedom in this. What's being stripped away is the freedom to persecute others under the guise of religious belief. Why its causing such an uproar is because the people who previously had that freedom, saw it as a right and up until about a few months ago it was.

As for Kim Davis, I just hope she enjoys her 15 minutes of fame in her efforts to reignite a debate up on a settled issue. She certainly succeeded in getting the attention she wanted. That's about as far as she's getting with this.

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RE: SCOTUS orders thrice-divorced KY county clerk to issue marriage license - Harmening - 09-04-2015, 09:57 PM

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