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Trump admin to end separation policy
(06-26-2018, 10:36 AM)XenoMorph Wrote: What trump supporters are saying that..?

Sunset and Bfine

(06-26-2018, 10:36 AM)XenoMorph Wrote: He didn't make a change to begin with.


From April

Late Friday, President Donald Trump signed a memorandum ordering an end to the policy known as “catch and release.” Under the policy, illegal immigrants are released from detention while awaiting a court hearing.

(06-26-2018, 10:36 AM)XenoMorph Wrote: Why did it become a huge issue in the alst 2 weeks?   Left is grasping at straws.

You really think that "the left" are the only people opposed to this policy of punishing innocent children?

Congressional Republicans beat a full-scale retreat Monday from the administration’s zero-tolerance border policy, joining Democrats to demand that President Trump stop jailing parents and find ways to keep families together while trying to stop a new surge of illegal immigration.

High-profile Republicans said they are writing bills that would end family separations, and Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker, a Republican, said he will no longer allow his National Guard troops to assist with border security as a protest against Mr. Trump’s policies.

Sen. John McCain of Arizona, the 2008 Republican presidential nominee, tweeted, "The administration's current family separation policy is an affront to the decency of the American people, and contrary to principles and values upon which our nation was founded. The administration has the power to rescind this policy. It should do so now."

Nebraska [b]Sen. Ben Sasse[/b],  called the separation of families "wrong" and wrote "the choice before the American people does not have to be 'wicked versus foolish.'"  "This is wrong. Americans do not take children hostage, period," he wrote.

Maine [b]Sen. Susan Collins[/b] called the separations "inconsistent with our American values." 

Oklahoma [b]Sen. James Lankford [/b]has started distancing himself from the Trump administration's use of the Bible as justification for the family separation policy, saying he wants to see the policy addressed. 

Utah [b]Sen. Orrin Hatch [/b]said, "A policy that leads to separating children from their families is wrong."

Texas [b]Rep. Will Hurd[/b] spoke out against the administration's policy

Florida Rep.[b] Mario Diaz-Balart [/b]issued a statement calling the separations "unconscionable."

[b]Kansas Sen. Pat Roberts[/b] renounced the practice.  "While I firmly support enforcing our immigration laws, I am against using parental separation as a deterrent to illegal immigration. My concern, first and foremost, is the protection of the children."

Ohio Rep. Steve Stivers, the chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee, came out Monday against the separation of families.

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz said kids "should not be the victim of a broken illegal immigration system.  All of us who are seeing images of these children being pulled away from moms and dads in tears are horrified. This has to stop,"

Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski said the policy is "not consistent with our values."

[b]former Florida[/b] [b]Gov. Jeb Bush[/b] said, "Children shouldn't be used as a negotiating tool. @realDonaldTrump should end this heartless policy"

Ohio Gov. John Kasich wrote in a fundraising email to supporters Monday that the family separations are "just wrong."

Former first lady Laura Bush, wife of former GOP President George W. Bush, wrote a Washington Post op-ed published Sunday night calling the practice "immoral."

[b]Former Massachusetts Gov. and 2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney [/b]responded to a tweet by Laura Bush about the policy. "I agree that we need a more compassionate answer,"

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RE: Trump admin to end separation policy - fredtoast - 06-26-2018, 11:11 AM

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