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Despite the detractors, Trump doing well
(07-02-2018, 07:10 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Your answer was addressed. The best folks can come up with is look what he's doing to folks that come here illegally, I haven't gotten anything free, or how will the government take care of my children.

I'm sorry, but that is really not what I said, except the first one (and really, just look at what he's doing). To translate my concerns into an "I haven't gotten anything free" sort of stance is a bit insulting. OK, I'm over it. But still, not fair.

(07-02-2018, 07:10 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I simply live by a different standard, One that puts citizens and those trying to immigrate legally above illegal immigrants, just provide me with the culture to succeed, and maybe, just maybe it is the responsibility of me and my children to prepare them for the future.

What gives you the idea these aren't my standards as well?

But yes, regarding my children I also see it as my responsibility to make sure they still find a livable planet and a reasonable economic environment so they can thrive and lead a happy life. I guess for many that's a huge reason for caring about politics. I'd like to leave them a functioning government not swimming in debt, I also want them to be healthy on a planet that doesn't pollute our air, soil and water and deals with climate change in time. (Sure, I also want to give them cheaper education and some things like that, but that's not the point.) The solution to pollution really is not "prepare the children for the future", it's about giving them a future.

Also, putting citizens over immigrants does not mean taking away children just for giving them a scare. Or being fine with it. I'm not advocating giving immigrants any goods (I would, but I didn't), I'm advocating against the state taking children away from people. And if they really told asylum seekers that they can get their child back if they never apply, that is shitty. Isn't it? How does that prove my standards are any different than the perfectly reasonable ones you see as your "different" standard?
You have different answers, that's all. Which is fine, but don't drag my standards into it.

(07-02-2018, 07:10 PM)bfine32 Wrote: When all folks can do is point to things that may happen and things happening to those crossing into our sovereign country illegally, then yes: Those answers aren't good enough to warrant all this hate.  

But... that's not "all folks can do", and it's not nearly all the reasons why people, if you will, hate Trump. There's dozens more, starting with his lack of basic decency. I mean, that's not totally unfair to say, is it? It doesn't immediately make my life worse, but it might make society worse, and I also don't like it. There's also undermining an investigation, there's constant deliberate misinformation and utter lies, and I still do have a problem with that, even if it doesn't affect me personally in that very moment. Which just shows that this is a moot category to begin with - unless you want to make the case that Trump doesn't lie and misinform constantly or that I have no right to be critical of that because many people's lifes haven't gotten worse over it.
And yeah, there are dozens more. [insert dozens of things]

I understand one might look at these things differently, but dismissing other views as TDS or something like that is something else. It's not fair.
As soon as there's evident exaggeration, the critizism turns unfair, I'd agree with you and have, like in the "Trump called all immigrants animals" debate. But most of the anti-Trump points do not fall into that "petty/false" category.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: Despite the detractors, Trump doing well - hollodero - 07-02-2018, 07:57 PM

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