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Despite the detractors, Trump doing well
(07-04-2018, 08:09 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Meh, I'm sure you guys have a different meaning for objective than I. I consider objective to be: not influenced by personal feeling. 

I consider removal from the TPP to be a sound decision and not one seeded in personal feelings. Of course the argument can be made that every decision POTUS makes is influenced by personal feeling. I do not find his decision to remove us from TPP was based on emotion. I feel it was based on sound business strategy. As is his current "trade war". But if folks do not want to give him credit for anything they can always find a "reason" not to. It's a symptom of TDS. 

Being a part of TPP can be good or bad depending on your economic viewpoint. This is why that is a subjective thing. For free-market conservatives and neo-liberals, forming those free-trade agreements is a good thing economically. We haven't seen any data showing a measurable impact on our economy from not being a part of the TPP either way. So we lack any objective measure to say whether it was good or bad.

You're right, though, that I could find lots of ways to not give him credit for a great many things. This is why my request was for something objective, because something objective would mean that I would be unable to not give him credit. Subjective things can go either way, and in multiple ways quite often. For instance, the TPP situation is one in which I could have said that he gets no credit for pulling out of those negotiations because Clinton would have done the same were she elected based on what she said, and there is a great possibility that the agreement would not have passed muster for congressional approval. So him doing it wasn't really a big deal.

What I will give him credit for with the TPP thing, though, is that it is one populist policy that he actually held to. He campaigned with a populist message and then abandoned those he gained with that message almost immediately. But not on the TPP thing.
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RE: Despite the detractors, Trump doing well - Belsnickel - 07-04-2018, 08:18 PM

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