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Trump Slams Allies in favor of Putin (again)...
(07-10-2018, 01:31 PM)hollodero Wrote: Europe should spend more on defense and I agree with Trump in that sense. That being said, it's not like the US defense budget is so high because Germany doesn't pay their fair share. Europe wouldn't need the US miliary budget at the heights it is now, on the other hand I can't quite believe the US would spend any less if Germany were to pay more on defense.

Thank you, first off.  it's nice to be able to have an actual back and forth.  While you have a point I would counter that if Germany was at even minimal readiness levels the US could reduce troop levels in that region, saving millions, if not billions of dollars.  As of now the German military is in a pathetic state of readiness.

This is hardly the only source, google is replete with other examples.

Quote:OK. If he's so stuck in his ways that he can't overcome this though, it also makes him incompetent for the job he's holding (leader of the free, non-autocratic world).

No, it makes him limited.  Obama had major weaknesses in the other direction.  Putin knew Obama was severely risk averse.  This enabled him to annex territory for the first time sine WW2.  Obama did absolutely **** all about this and Putin knew he would.  Obama was good with the "free world" and weak as hell with the autocrats.  Time will tell on Trump.

Quote:Also, this explanation alone, while I see some merit, is not the sole reason for all this weird Putin love and his subverting US alliances. I agree with your stance on NK, with Russia I have difficulties.

Understandable.  I lived in Europe from 84-86, so I know the level of fear and apprehension caused by Russia.  I can understand a difference of opinion, but Russia has much more cause for conflict with China than the west.  If we can make them see that then we will all benefit.  All of us but China that is.

Quote:Putin invades other countries and tries to undermine all democracies very much including the American one, and Trump is not willing to call him out on that. As allies targeted similarly, who wouldn't be stunned by that.

I wish I could remember the source, but a US foreign policy expert stated that Putin had played a weak hand masterfully.  He will use any means to tweek his perceived opponents.  So, make him realize we are not his natural opponents.  He'd hardly be the most odious regime the west has had to deal with.  He's certainly less of a long term threat than China.  

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RE: Trump Slams Allies in favor of Putin (again)... - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 07-10-2018, 11:24 PM

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