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Trump Slams Allies in favor of Putin (again)...
Bengalholic Wrote:I rarely post in here, and don't really don't care much either party anymore, but what Trump did in Helsinki was inexcusable. To have the POTUS defend and kiss the ass of a vile dictator who is continuously trying to attack and undermine our democracy...was just stunning and infuriating.

I don't care who you voted for, or which party you stand with...the cowardice and weakness that Trump displayed while standing along side Putin was just downright embarrassing and extremely disappointing. And even worse, this comes on the heels of him shitting on the G7, EU and NATO.

I just don't know how any citizen that considers themselves even slightly patriotic can be OK with what transpired in Helsinki.

I agree the whole trip was an unmitigated disaster; unfortunately, it gets lost in the white noise of considering everything he does disaster and as I have said numerous times: Folks grow tired of the Boy who cried wolf.

For instance I viewed the NK summit as a huge success and the Russian summit as a huge failure. However, to those that really don't keep up with this stuff it just seems more of the same. I've said for a while many on here are their own worst enemy.
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RE: Trump Slams Allies in favor of Putin (again)... - bfine32 - 07-17-2018, 09:13 PM

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