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Trump Slams Allies in favor of Putin (again)...
(07-19-2018, 12:35 PM)hollodero Wrote: Sure. I think it's a difference that doesn't matter that much though.
If he makes an outrageous proposition, it might be a relief to know he won't follow through - it really doesn't make his words any better though.
To follow up on that, also I do think words matter and no country can afford a president for whom that is not the case.

I agree with this.  I'd also point out that Trump didn't undergo a radical personality shift once he was elected.  he's been this way from the beginning, he's what people voted for.  Disagree with the people who voted for him all day, it doesn't change the fact that Trump didn't pull some kind of bait and switch routine.  He's giving us what we asked for when we elected him. 

Quote:Yeah, maybe. I see it as having different perspectives though. I haven't really seen an unreasonably argued outrage. Maybe Brennans tweet, but I actually think he's not that far off either.
Trumps words were worse than any possible hyperbolic reaction to his words. Is my perspective.

There are Dem members of Congress calling this "treason".  This is an enormous accusation to make.  Treason is a capital offense.  Throwing around the accusation because of one statement, ill advised as it may have been, is the height of hyperbolic bullshit.  The problem for Trump's opponents, and their supporters, is that the overreact to his extreme statements.  In so doing they actually come off looking worse than Trump in many, if not most cases.  It's why you see so many Trump voters sticking with Trump and the uncommitted aren't joining "La Resistance".  If the Dems advanced a more cogent and coherent counter to Trump they would probably be able to win over voters like myself.  Instead they appear to be going in the far opposite direction with calls to abolish ICE, have open borders, calls for socialism and other far left proposals that are going to turn moderates of all stripes off in droves.

Quote:Yeah I already was aware of that explanation. It sure does make some sense. My problem with it is, it only could explain half of it (I don't expand on that). Also, if that were his concern, wouldn't his best move be being more hostile to Putin. Instead of constantly reinvoking the "He's in Putin's pocket" chatter by being super-obsequious.

Yes, it absolutely would, which makes me think there's less credibility to these accusations.  If Trump was in Putin's pocket then they're both playing this badly.  Putin is a bad person in many ways, but he is not stupid.  If Trump really was his puppet then he's pulling the strings in a horribly ill advised manner.  But it all gets back to one of our previous discussions, how do we deal with Russia from this point forward?  Do we further isolate them, push them further towards China, punish them with more sanctions or do we seek some form of rapprochement?  (Lots of French in this reply!) 

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RE: Trump Slams Allies in favor of Putin (again)... - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 07-20-2018, 11:32 AM

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