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US income inequality continues to grow
(07-23-2018, 09:26 PM)Beaker Wrote: What corporation pays workers less than a living wage? 

Many of them.  73% of people receiving some sort of government assistance are in a working family.  While corporations like McDonalds and Wal Mart are making millions for stockholders the American taxpayers are subsidizing the low wages the pay in order to make those profits.

And the trend is getting worse.  From 2003 to 2013 GDP and production increased in the United States, but inflation adjusted wages were either stagnate or actually declined for the entire bottom 70% of wage earners.  The country is making more money and workers are more efficient yet 70% of them either have seen no raise or an actual decline in their wages.

(07-23-2018, 09:26 PM)Beaker Wrote: Living wage is a subjective term since individuals decide whether or not to live within their means.

I believe that if a person works full time he should be able to live a regular life and not just survive in abject poverty. 

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RE: US income inequality continues to grow - fredtoast - 07-24-2018, 10:56 AM

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