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Everyone remember how this off seasn started?
Some people said the same thing last year, even with our duct-taped-together offensive line and very little addition by subtraction from the previous subpar year. Though I wouldn't be shocked if this year is better than the past two, it won't be anything memorabilia like 2005, 2009, 2013 or 2015. Maybe we'll squeak into the playoffs. And even if we do go on a tear and win the division, well... since Marv is still here, we are going nowhere substantial.

Don't get me wrong, I would love for Marvin to prove me wrong for once. But fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me... Fool me for the 16th time? Well... Let's just say I have absolutely no faith in Marvin to win us prime time or playoff games (the big ones). Maybe he'll luck into a playoff win, but as for a super bowl championship victory? Where he has to win 3 or 4 playoff games in a row?? Not happening.

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RE: Everyone remember how this off seasn started? - Pat5775 - 08-02-2018, 12:53 PM

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