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Everyone remember how this off seasn started?
(08-02-2018, 12:44 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Every time the Bengals have a losing season the fan base is upset at the end of the year, but last year even the hard core "homers" lost it when the bengals gave marvin a new two year contract.

Every year I here people talk about how thye are "giving up on the Bengals".  Of couyrse they usually come back in a while, but when Marvin got that new contract I actually believed people when they said they were through.

Now just a few months later a lot of people are talking about how they are more excited for this season than any one in recent memory.

I will always be a Bengal fan, that will never change but...

I was disgusted bringing Marv back for sure, i thought we were going to clean house but when PA left and Pollack got
here i had optimism again. Then came Austin, Van Pelt, Bicknell with Lazor being brought back and things were really
looking up. I have kind of always wondered if Marv had enough say around here with PA being Mikey Boy's bud and
him being the assistant HC. Kind of seems like that was the case.

I have to keep saying that until we win a Playoff game under Marv i won't believe we will but with these new coaches
it could be a possibility. Everything i have heard about the entire Offense just sounds great. The Line playing aggressive
and hitting our Defense in the mouth, the WR's tearing it up, Mixon and Gio looking awesome etc.

This will only help a Defense that was on the field all the time last season.

Made the best Offseason moves i can remember this Offseason. Marv had a hand in it i am sure. So i am good with him
right now. We will see how it goes.

(08-02-2018, 12:53 PM)Pat5775 Wrote: Some people said the same thing last year, even with our duct-taped-together offensive line and very little addition by subtraction from the previous subpar year. Though I wouldn't be shocked if this year is better than the past two, it won't be anything memorabilia like 2005, 2009, 2013 or 2015. Maybe we'll squeak into the playoffs. And even if we do go on a tear and win the division, well... since Marv is still here, we are going nowhere substantial.

Don't get me wrong, I would love for Marvin to prove me wrong for once. But fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me... Fool me for the 16th time? Well... Let's just say I have absolutely no faith in Marvin to win us prime time or playoff games (the big ones). Maybe he'll luck into a playoff win, but as for a super bowl championship victory? Where he has to win 3 or 4 playoff games in a row?? Not happening.

All i remember of those years was we lost in the Playoffs...

Some memories. Hope it is much better this season and with a new O-line coach and an actual running game it could
be much better. I don't think it has been stressed enough how big of a deal trading Alexander for Pollack actually was.

We can see it in Training Camp this year and the Defense can feel it smashing them in the mouth.

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RE: Everyone remember how this off seasn started? - Nate (formerly eliminate08) - 08-02-2018, 06:37 PM

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