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I come in peace (for the most part).....
(08-10-2018, 09:59 AM)jj22 Wrote: My voting record speaks for itself. Which you don't know so there's no reason to explain. But if you did, you'd realize how silly you sound. Many of us don't are for Trump. It's not that outrageous to like a guy like that. It's more telling of folks who do like a lying, colluding, sexual assaulting con.

But thanks for admitting what I was saying all along which was Clinton was pressured by the Republican congress and their voters to do something about Gays in the military and came with that compromise.

Of course now Trump supporters want to act like it was all him and Dems (even as they admit he was pressured into a compromise).

Maybe some of your fellow Trump supporters will believe this new line of attack that Dems are the ones anti gay rights, and Republicans are for gays rights, and fought for the compromise to stop Clinton from kicking gays, and transgender Americans out of the Military....

Either way that doesn't explain or discuss what Trump has been doing now, which is what you guys want to avoid by attacking Clinton with this Fake News.

Yes. Gay rights activists pushed the issue to a head under Clinton and he was forced into a compromise by the conservative republican reaction. Pretty clear that dems as a party have been more progressive on this issue.

In any case the gop is no longer the party of Bush Dole and Reagan. Those were the good old days.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: I come in peace (for the most part)..... - Dill - 08-10-2018, 10:24 AM

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