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MN Rep Keith Ellison accused by ex of abuse; her son claims he has a video
Big accusation comes out right before an election/draft/event/whatever, there is claims of a video that can't be produced because it was uploaded to her computer, but lost in a move? The only "evidence" she has is her one-sidedly and ham-fistedly mentioning it in a text at least a year after they separated?

Come on.

That's like 9/10 or 9.5/10 on the smells fishy scale.

I mean, there's the chance he did this, but that's just a hell of a flimsy case, and suspiciously timed as far as doing it when he could most be hurt regardless if it's true or not.

[Image: jamarr-chase.gif]

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RE: MN Rep Keith Ellison accused by ex of abuse; her son claims he has a video - TheLeonardLeap - 08-14-2018, 01:31 AM

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