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Trump trillion-dollar-plus deficits are putting America on a path to fiscal ruin
Below are the yearly deficits going back to 1969. The link has the list going back to 1929.

Now though the author tried to deflect the immediate deficit that occurred under Obama was due to the recession which I wont argue. But the deficit in 2015 and 2016 was higher than any point under Bush during those post 9-11 years, and it rose from 2015 to 2016. That said Republicans controlled Congress so they share the blame too.

On to Trump. He is going to make Reagan look like Clinton, because as you can see the deficits rose sharply during the Reagan years. But his deficits are on pace to be a 1/4th of what Trump's will be, and we arent even in a cold war, inflation or not.

Year Deficit Debt Increase Deficit/GDP Events Affecting Deficit
1969 ($3) $6 (0.3%) Nixon took office.
1970 $3 $17  0.3% Recession.
1971 $23 $27  2.0% Wage price controls.
1972 $23 $29  1.8% Stagflation.
1973 $15 $31  1.0% End of gold standard.
1974 $6 $17  0.4% Budget process created.
1975 $53 $58  3.1% First Ford budget.
1976 $74 $87  3.9% Stagflation.
1977 $54 $78  2.5% Stagflation.
1978 $59 $73  2.5% First Carter budget.
1979 $41 $55  1.5% Volcker raised rates to 20%.
1980 $74 $81  2.6% Recession. Iran oil embargo.
1981 $79 $90  2.4% Reagan tax cut.
1982 $128 $144  3.8% Reagan's 1st budget.
1983 $208 $235  5.6% Jobless rate 10.8%.
1984 $185 $195  4.5% Increased defense spending.
1985 $212 $256  4.8%
1986 $221 $297  4.8% Tax cut.
1987 $150 $225  3.1% Market crash
1988 $155 $252  2.9% Fed raised rates.
1989 $153 $255  2.7% S&L Crisis.
1990 $221 $376  3.7% Desert Storm.
1991 $269 $432  4.3% Recession.
1992 $290 $399  4.4%
1993 $255 $347  3.7% Clinton signed Balanced Budget Act.
1994 $203 $281  2.8% First Clinton budget.
1995 $164 $281  2.1%
1996 $107 $251  1.3% Welfare reform.
1997 $22 $188  0.3%
1998 ($69) $113 (0.8%) LTCM crisis.
1999 ($126)$130 (1.3%) Glass-Steagall repealed.
2000 ($236)$18 (2.3%) Surplus.
2001 ($128)$133 (1.2%) 9/11 attacks. EGTRRA.
2002 $158 $421  1.4% War on Terror.  
2003 $378 $555  3.3% JGTRRA.
2004 $413 $596  3.4%
2005 $318 $554  2.4% Katrina. Bankruptcy Act.
2006 $248 $574  1.8% Bernanke chairs Fed.
2007 $161 $501  1.1% Iraq War cost.
2008 $459 $1,017  3.1% Bank bailout. QE.
2009 $1,413$1,632  9.8% Stimulus Act.
2010 $1,294$1,905  8.6% Obama tax cuts. ACA. Simpson-Bowles.
2011 $1,300$1,229  8.3% Debt crisis.
2012 $1,087$1,276  6.7% Fiscal cliff.
2013 $679 $672  4.0% Sequester. Government shutdown.
2014 $485 $1,086  2.7% Debt ceiling.
2015 $438 $327  2.4% Defense = $736.4 b.
2016 $585 $1,423  3.1% Defense = $767.3 b.
2017 $665 $672  3.4% Defense = $812.3 b.
2018 (est) $833 NA  NA Defense = $824.7 b.
2019 (est) $984 NA  NA
2020 (est) $987 NA  NA
2021 (est) $916 NA  NA
“Don't give up. Don't ever give up.” - Jimmy V

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: Trump trillion-dollar-plus deficits are putting America on a path to fiscal ruin - Millhouse - 08-20-2018, 04:15 PM

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