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  • 5 bold predictions for 2015
Had to wait all morning to post about this! Stupid School haha.

First off, there were two different predictions by different analysts, but both were a slight on Dalton.

The first one says Dalton will have more TDs than Manning. The writer obviously did this as a slight to Manning tho. It was a "Manning will throw less TD's then *insert media abused QB* this year lolololol ha ha ha we are sooo funny.". I saw someone comment "Ya Andy will have 40 Tds but 29 INTS, while Manning will have 39 TDS and 12 INTS.". This made me laugh, Dalton throws picks, but he isn't a pick machine. Has he even surpassed 20 ints in a season? Maybe once, I don't remember. If it wasn't for the occasional 4 int game, Daltons ints wouldn't even be that high. His terrible games look his overall game look worse than it is. I don't think Dalton will get 40 TDs this year, but when did this become the benchmark of mediocrity? These analysts have lost it if you ask me.

Secondly, the McCarron prediction. This prediction, and this whole notion of McCarron taking the job is sickening at this point. I watched the video of the analysis and the guy said that McCarron threw "3 passes I have never see Andy Dalton make" which is the most bogus bullshit I have ever heard. McCarron looked good, but it was nothing Dalton hasn't done before. These guys act as if Dalton can throw the curl and the fade and that's it. SMH.

Both were shots at the Bengals, as these analysts on "around the NFL" like to do, and I can't wait for Dalton to have <40 TDs, get to the AFCC in 2015 and start in 2016. In fact, if Dalton looked like complete shit on the way to a superbowl victory, that may even be more satisfying.

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RE: bold predictions for 2015 - GreenCornBengal - 09-08-2015, 03:12 PM

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