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Bell doesn’t rejoin the Squealers
(09-05-2018, 11:40 PM)Whatever Wrote: The Steelers can't give him any more money.  He can still get more money if he can get traded or released, neither of which is happening if he signs.  Like it or not, there are still business reasons as to why he hasn't signed.

Right or wrong, Bell feels screwed by the Steelers organization.  They had him play out his rookie deal for a fraction of what he was worth.  They tagged him, then wouldn't trade him after they failed to come to terms on a long term deal.  Then, they gave him a career record number of touches, tagged him again, then refused to trade him again after failing to come to terms.  His position has always been that if the Steelers won't pay him what he thinks he's worth, then let me go somewhere where I will.

His side of the argument is that he's putting up more yards and TD's than anybody else on the roster.  Brown got paid, twice, and Bell didn't.  If Bell played WR and put up the yards and TD's he does, he would have been paid already.  He's not getting paid primarily because he's a RB(being a pothead also hurts his case).  RB's don't get paid big long term deals because of the wear and tear on their bodies.  That feeds into the position that the Steelers are just trying to use him up in his prime without fairly compensating him, then will kick him to the curb when there's nothing left.  Which isn't far from the truth.  The Steelers are just trying to keep him there to get one more championship out of Ben before he retires and they have to start playing the QB lottery again.  If they were looking at the long term, they would have given Bell what he wanted and traded him.

Using your logic, everyone has business reasons to sandbag. Why should any player do anything above and beyond the minimum that would risk injury and impact your next payday? What about AJ Green? Perfect example. Demand a redo now and when the Bengals don't do it, sit out until week 10. Same next year, except reject every offer they throw at you, then sit 10 weeks, then hit FA in 2020 with less wear and tear on his body.

The mentality of the NFL is that you give it your all 100% of the time, not only for yourself, but for your teammates as well. This is a league where guys take head shots and try to stay in. They lie about how they feel and about symptoms in order to keep going. The NFL has spotters to watch over guys on the field and to physically drag them off when they're injured in order to save them from themselves. And Bell is admitting that he's going to not give 100% this season? That shit isn't going to fly. What his agent said yesterday has ruined his reputation in the league amongst the vast majority of the players, I guarantee it. 

Don't believe me? Read this. And Cutler actually had a sprained ACL.

At this point it's no longer about the money to anyone but Bell. Other players will have your back on this as long as you do it on your own time and don't affect them getting their money. And Bell not showing up until after the season starts could directly affect them getting theirs. Now he's potentially F'ing with their wallet. 

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RE: Bell doesn’t rejoin the Squealers - StrictlyBiz - 09-06-2018, 04:49 PM

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