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Good, Bad and Ugly from the game
Good - Andy hustling to make the tackle and save a TD. Sets a good example of what it takes to win. Mixon was great. Tackling was great. Punt coverage was great. Offensive play calling was good. Left side of O-Line played well. Bengals typically lose ugly--winning ugly is good enough. Second half was better than first half --haven't said that too often. Nice to see penalties called on WR for a change.

Bad - D-Line needed to get more consistent pressure (even if Luck got rid of it quickly). Crossing routes, slants and pretty much any pass over the middle was too easy. Hart was embarrassing (how bad is Ced and Jake that he beats them out?). A couple of third and longs on the last drive were completed (one ended in fumble fortunately) -- need to tighten up our 2 minute defense. Green needs to work on ball security although he ought to know that by now as he is a fumbler ( I think long skinny body and arms causes too much ball to be free but he needs to figure something out).

Ugly - Williams should have been ejected (He would have been a star in the 70s). He needs to learn the rules of todays game whether he likes them or not. Tough to see how Carlos could have done anything different on both sacks (other than not sack the QB). It will be hard to sack Big Ben if you have to go in gently. Call on WJIII was actually the worst although it did not matter. If the expectation is that he just needed to touch the WR because he was going down you would be missing the point of trying to stop him from getting in the endzone.

1-0 --feels nice.

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Good, Bad and Ugly from the game - CanadianBengal - 09-09-2018, 11:05 PM

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