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(09-10-2018, 09:53 PM)TKUHL Wrote: That's what drives me nuts about Andy. I know he rarely gets time but when he does you almost never see him scanning left to right. It seems like he's fixated on his 1st option staring them down as soon as it's in his hands then looks to his check down. Is this by design,I dunno but it's pretty darn frustrating seeing lesser talented QB's scan the field finding that 2nd 3rd even 4th option receiver. It just seems like the second his first option is covered he panics.

I used to like Dalton but I just don't see this team being a serious SB contender with him. Having Marvin just amplifies that x2. But I still watch and hope I'm wrong.

1.  Some plans are designed for 1 throw or just 2 reads
2.  If you are actually getting to your 3/4 option, you must have time in the pocket.. 
3.  A good QB actually does not need to go to those options most of the time since they read the coverage or put the players in the coverage that is favorable.. this actually is a strength of Andy Dalton
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: ADVANTAGEOUS BENGAL RECEIVING CORP! - Essex Johnson - 09-10-2018, 10:56 PM

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