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Office Depot refuses to photocopy anti-abortion prayer, woman claims
I would be interested to see a copy of the prayer, but it seems the company admitted a mistake.

EDIT: Here it is
Quote:Lord, for whom all things are possible,
We are confronted once again today
With the evil of the abortion industry
And the corruption found
In the world's largest abortion business, Planned Parenthood.

Lord, we pray for all who plan to be parents,
And we ask your mercy on those
Who teach others to reject parenthood.

In the light of your Word, Lord,
We affirm today that children are a blessing from you,
And that the origin of all parenthood
Is likewise in You, the God of life and love.

Therefore, Oh God,
We stand against the evil that has been exposed
In Planned Parenthood
And in the entire abortion industry.

We stand today for the triumph
Of truth over falsehood,
Of light over darkness,
And of life over death.

Bring an end to the killing of children in the womb,
And bring an end to the sale of their body parts.
Bring conversion to all who do this,
And enlightenment to all who advocate it.

Close the doors of the death camps in our midst,
And open the doors of your mercy and healing!
Close the grisly trade in baby body parts,
And open the abundant gifts of your salvation and life!

Hasten the day when our land
Will no longer be stained with innocent blood,
And when the bodies of all your children
Will be raised from the dead
And set free forever.

We pray in the name of Jesus the Lord. Amen!
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[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: Office Depot refuses to photocopy anti-abortion prayer, woman claims - bfine32 - 09-12-2015, 09:29 PM

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