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Sorry this happened in your city
Good morning. I had a conversation with a truck driver from Tennessee the other day. He ask me if I was voting. I said yes. He ask me if I was for Trump ( by Trump he meant mid-terms I believe) . I said no. He asked why not. I said why should I be, what has he done. He said he kept his promises. I said he has? What about the wall that Mexico was going to pay for? He said "give it time",  Smirk I said what about all the lies he spews out, aren't you insulted and offended by that. He said "they all lie".  Smirk He brought something up about Obama and Hillary and I pointed out that they are not running for anything. I then told him that he must watch Fox news too much and he admitted that was all he watched. I also asked him do you really believe that Trump gives a shit about the working man? He did'nt answer. It was a friendly exchange, we just agreed to disagree.

Its amazing how media whether on the right or left make black look white in an individual mind.
Whats the motive for people to engage in this brain washing could be other than MONEY? Get the power, you get the money. God help us all.

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RE: Sorry this happened in your city - ballsofsteel - 11-02-2018, 06:34 AM

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