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Impressed by Richard Sherman
(09-15-2015, 11:08 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote: One thing that needs to be understood is that when someone says "Black lives matter", they're not saying "only black lives matter", they're really saying "black lives matter, too".

Anyone who doesn't think institutional racism doesn't exist is kidding themselves. It most certainly does. We also live in a society where it is harder to raise yourself out of poverty if you do not see others around you doing the same or the resources are not fully available. It's also hard when you do not have the support at home to raise yourself out of poverty. With poverty comes crime. Crime isn't a racial problem, it's a socioeconomic problem. However, black Americans are more likely to be in a lower socioeconomic class. Add in mandatory sentencing for victimless drug crimes and you have more and more black males entering prison and not able to find employment when they exit.

now, should the only focus be on criminal justice? No, there are a lot of things that need to be addressed. Is there anything wrong with saying "black lives matter"? No. Should they boo people who say "all lives matter"? No, use it as a teachable moment to explain what your message is and why saying "all lives matters" detracts from it.
I agree with this.
There is still a problem with racism, but the way it has been addressed in the past few years have done nothing but make things worse.
We need to stop complaining and demanding compensation for the past and learn to extend ourselves to being brothers and sisters to one another.
We all need a culture change.

(09-15-2015, 01:58 PM)RICHMONDBENGAL_07 Wrote: While I agree with the overall sentiment of the message, I agree with you...we don't even know if he actually said this.  They even say that in like the 1st two sentences of the OP's link.
I do not believe that the editors note was there when I posted the link, last night.
Regardless, I am fully behind the idea of removing the militant mentality that seems to be erupting from communities.

Messages In This Thread
Impressed by Richard Sherman - Rotobeast - 09-15-2015, 12:38 AM
RE: Impressed by Richard Sherman - GMDino - 09-15-2015, 10:27 AM
RE: Impressed by Richard Sherman - bfine32 - 09-15-2015, 11:31 AM
RE: Impressed by Richard Sherman - GMDino - 09-15-2015, 11:44 AM
RE: Impressed by Richard Sherman - Rotobeast - 09-15-2015, 02:28 PM
RE: Impressed by Richard Sherman - GMDino - 09-15-2015, 04:30 PM
RE: Impressed by Richard Sherman - GMDino - 09-15-2015, 08:22 PM
RE: Impressed by Richard Sherman - GMDino - 09-17-2015, 02:51 PM
RE: Impressed by Richard Sherman - GMDino - 09-16-2015, 07:12 AM
RE: Impressed by Richard Sherman - GMDino - 09-16-2015, 06:08 PM

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