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Whatever happen to that caravan, anyway?
(11-26-2018, 03:06 PM)fredtoast Wrote: How many claims for asylum have been processed since they arrived at our border last week?

If there is a situation then we need to provide resources to address it.  We have only known about this problem for a few weeks.  seems like we should have had some resources in place ready for when they arrived.

You just have to look at the first page of this thread.

Quote:They will get here, about 1500 of them.
We need to start building the separation pens, enough for 6-700 children.
Quote:That caravan will show up again a few months before the 2020 election so he can scare the shit out of the evangelicals and the rubes in his base. It worked once. why not twice.
Quote:Yep.  Most of what I read was that there was almost no chance that even a majority of them would make the US border and that would be weeks away.

Even I didn't think that they'd get there that quickly when I did some napkin math and made a post, but I didn't think they'd be getting buses.

The media was telling everyone that the caravan was a hoax, the concerns were overblown and just a political ploy. Even this thread was created on the premise that now that the mid-terms were done, it was a non-issue.

[Image: jamarr-chase.gif]

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RE: Whatever happen to that caravan, anyway? - TheLeonardLeap - 11-26-2018, 05:39 PM

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