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Looks Like It Wasn't Just Austin
Everybody always wants a quick fix band aid. One scapegoat to blame everything on. That everything would be perfect if it wasn't for 1 or 2 people. This is not just Bengals, but many jobs, very much government. In Bengals case it was easy to blame the defense on Austin. When he was fired I jumped on the hope that his firing might improve the team. It did not.

We now see we had defensive problems before Austin, we have defensive problems after Austin. Moving Marvin back to defense and bringing in Hue who lost big time at Cleveland is just desperate times calling for desperate measures. We even saw Zampese with Browns offense as they beat us.

So forget the quick fix band aids. I see posts to hire Hue as next coach, and that is rock bottom for Bengals. Hue couldn't win at Cleveland, so let him go 0-16 with Bengals. There are get rid of Dalton threads. Of course get rid of Marvin threads. The Hue as head coach makes no sense to me. Maybe time to forget the quick fix band aids.

People will now talk of the draft. I ask why ? Most of our 1st round picks have never stepped up and delivered. We have three #1 picks at CB and Bengals couldn't trade them to another team for a bag of peanuts. We have #1 picks Ogbuehi and Ross who do little. We have #1 pick Eifert who is a TE made out of glass. They knew drafting him he was more of a WR than a TE. It's too early to tell on Price. There is no reason to get excited about yet another Bengals draft of these type players.

Yes, it's time for Marvin to go. Hue is sure as heck not the answer. It is time for Tobin and some Brown Family front office to go, but that won't happen. Burfict and Eifert need to go. Year after year they don't play, and you can't build on that. Looks like Bengals again kept the wrong kicker. Turns out there is no depth at WR or RB or TE as we thought. The O Line still needs much improvement. The D line isn't as good as we thought. The LBs and DBs are just awful. So it's a pretty bad team.

In all, it's a pretty bad team. Many very bad players, too many. Don't be fooled that these players would be good if they just made one or two changes. There is no quick fix band aid. Even in the draft the Bengals have been a total flop. To improve, it needs front office changes on down, and that will not happen. The one constant from Bungles 1990's to now is Mike Brown and the Family Trust Fund. They may be good lawyers, they just don't know football like the now long deceased founder of this team.

I don't know where this team is going. They started 2015 at 8-0. It all fell apart, mostly because Mike Brown went Cheap and let too many good players go. He thinks that if you just fill the uniforms with anybody, you get wins, and that is the lawyer in him. Mike is not and never will be a football person like dear old Dad. I see college players I would like to see on Bengals someday. That Ohio State QB that just broke Drew Brees records for example. The problem is this franchise has no direction. they need a compass or no drafts will help. Right now they couldn't find their rear ends with both hands. THERE IS NO QUICK FIX. It will take much more than firing Marvin or dumping Andy to fix these Sad Sacks. It has went back to being The Bungles. Lately, I have been turning the games off at half time, and I see the stadium is becoming empty faster. I went through the Mike Brown 1990's Bungles, but I refuse to ever do it again. The law firm or Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown and Blackburn just don't know football. The apples fell too far from the tree.
1968 Bengal Fan

Messages In This Thread
Looks Like It Wasn't Just Austin - kevin - 11-27-2018, 05:33 AM
RE: Looks Like It Wasn't Just Austin - J24 - 11-27-2018, 06:54 PM
RE: Looks Like It Wasn't Just Austin - J24 - 11-27-2018, 06:55 PM
RE: Looks Like It Wasn't Just Austin - 3wt - 11-28-2018, 02:15 PM

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