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Trump's new Sec. of Labor has some baggage...
(11-29-2018, 01:30 PM)GMDino Wrote: Can't admit you were wrong.

Can't admit you were wrong.

Please explain to me how I was wrong.  I never have a problem admitting I was wrong.

Quote:You yourself said you have asked to be removed from something when you didn't like how it was being handled.  If Acosta had shown that kind of internal fortitude and morals this entire conversation would be moot.

I was, thankfully, in a much easier position to do so than Acosta.  Acosta was in the public eye during this case, his removal, either requested or mandated, would have a significant impact on how the case proceeds.  Fred will tell you, if he chooses to give a straightforward answer, that an attorney does not have the luxury of recusing themselves in the same manner.  

Quote:I believe you are dealing in hyperbole.  I hope the guy who hates that reads your post.  Mellow

Not at all, as I explained above.  There are always going to be situations in such roles in which you have to hold your nose and move forward.  As you said, I've had the luxury of removing myself from some of those situation.  I have not had this luxury in others.  The real world can be messy and the line between what's right, what's expedient and what's wrong is not always clear.  If your assertion, which is what you've claimed, is that Acosta's handling of such an incident disqualifies him from this position then you have disqualified anyone who has worked in a similar situation.  The vast majority of them won't be so high profile, but we are all ordered to do things we don't agree with.  If they are not unethical or illegal we either do them or quit our job.  Most people aren't independently wealthy and thus need their job.

Quote:All seriousness aside:  It wasn't just a "sweetheart deal" made the entire thing go away for everyone who even MIGHT have been involved.  That Acosta didn't have the dignity or moral fortitude to step away from it speaks volumes.

As explained above, as an attorney he does not have this luxury. 

Quote:Your continued defense of him that he was just doing what he was told takes away all personal responsibility.

Pointing out the realities of the situation is not a defense, it's providing context.  This is why you and your buddies consistently accuse anyone who doesn't fall in lockstep with you as a "Trump supporter".  You're very black and white and have little to no appreciation of the fact that things are rarely that cut and dry in real life.  You're castigating a man for a decision that was made way above his paygrade.  I'm providing the context of that.  You apparently can't grasp this, hence your accusations.

Quote:It doesn't matter if he came up with it or just rubber stamped it.  It shows how he will be in his life and every job he has with superiors.

I'm sure you, being the great moral champion of all that is right and good, would destroy your own career to take a principled stand.  I suppose in your line of work you'll never have the opportunity to demonstrate that. 

Quote:You have defended him by attacking a position I didn't take or make. (Stunner there.)

What position is that?  Based on your own statements my argument appears to be very much on topic.

Quote:Even if you were initially confused I have stated it clearly multiple times in direct response to you and you STILL are arguing the wrong point.

No, I'm just disagreeing with your position.  You think Acosta should be held personally responsible for a decision made way over his pay grade or that it demonstrates he's a puppet for the whims of those above him.  I, having real world experience with this type of situation, understand how limited a person in such a position's options can be.  Again, as an attorney he is even more limited in his decision making.

Quote:I know that you will never admit you were wrong.  That there will be more word salads and "word of the day" filled paragraphs defending yourself....but you are wrong about the initial post and willfully ignorant of all the follow up posts I have made.

Oh my, now you're attacking someone for having a vocabulary.  Please, feel free to explain how I am wrong.  I always address every point you make, simply explain how I am wrong.  If I'm wrong I'll admit it.

Quote:I get it's don't like "me".  But at least be honest about the thread itself.  I have clarified if you were confused.  After that it's just you being wrong and not wanting to admit it.  Just like bringing in Fred and Dill to take a shot at them is just you wanting a fight rather than talking about the subject.  The true subject, not the one you THINK is the subject.

You are correct, I don't like you.  However, that has nothing to do with the topic at hand.  I've made cogent, rational and logical points on this topic.  You've claimed I'm wrong.  I'm asking you to explain how I am wrong.

Quote:Acosta could have walked away...he didn't.  He was the point man between the lawyers and whoever agreed to the deal.  I don't see him being any different in this administration.  That's not a "Trump take" it's an "Acosta take".
No, he was the lead prosecutor.  He cannot simply clap his hands and walk away like a blackjack dealer.  If you're upset about the plea deal then your issue is with the US Attorney's office, not Acosta.  You're argument has morphed from, "it was his deal" to "he should have walked away then".  The fact that you've changed your tune on why Acosta is unsuitable rather lends credence to my argument being on topic and credible.

Quote:Trump is his boss and the head of the current administration which is why I said that is an aside to the story.  Along with his tendency to pick people with baggage and who seem unfit for their jobs.  Acost is the thrust of the story and all the side stories you want to get into doesn't change that.

Except this isn't "baggage" to anyone with a modicum of knowledge of the legal process.  There are plenty of Trump appointees you could make a credible argument against in this regard.  Acosta is not one of them, at least not based on this example.  You want him to be because you've been told by Allysa Milano that he's bad.

Quote:But at least you're not "defending" Acosta.

Context my boy, context.

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RE: Trump's new Sec. of Labor has some baggage... - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 11-29-2018, 03:04 PM

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