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Another violent jaywalker off the street...

Quote:According to Edgar Avendaño who took the video, the victim had barely stepped off of the bus and was just two feet away from the sidewalk when a Stockton officer began to harass him.

The Stockton officer ordered him to sit down as the teen was walking back to the bus, and grabbed his arm. Naturally, the young boy tried to defend himself by pulling the cops arm off of him, and that’s when things got very ugly. As the Stockton cop took out his baton, Edgar began to film the incident.

First the Stockton officer shoves the victim into a brick wall, and then he begins to hit the victim with his baton while screaming “stop resisting!” Also at this time, you can see that the officer’s body camera is on the ground.

People watching nearby can be heard shouting “he’s just a ***** kid!” and “he didn’t do anything wrong!” as the officer continues to abuse the victim.

After the initial assault, the officer orders the victim to the ground, who can be seen holding his extremely injured jaw while crying.

That’s when 8 more cops showed up to finish the brutal arrest. Four of them ganged up on an almost incapacitated young boy who was likely going into shock from his injuries, and slam him to the ground in the most violent fashion possible. The other four were attempting to block Edgar from filming the incident.

After slamming the victim to the ground, the officers yank him up by his handcuffs and drag him to a police vehicle while witnesses watch in horror.

The victim was eventually charged with “Jaywalking,” which is not even a misdemeanor in the state of California.

I'm sure its much safer now. I look like a cop hater again instead of someone who thinks these things should be looked at as way to stop the ones who use excessive violence. Darn it.

OK...if the kids would have just listened to the nice officer maybe he wouldn't have been punched in the face (twice) and then wrestled to the ground. For allegedly "jay walking". (Did I do that right?)

Quote:Stockton police told VICE News that the 16-year-old teen did not respond to an officer’s request to get out of the bus lane.

“For safety reasons, the officer told the young man to get on the sidewalk,” officer Joseph Silva said. “After the teenager refused to comply and used obscene language, the officer went over and a there was a scuffle.

The videos shows the officer leaning hard on the teen, who is seated on a brick landscaping wall. The officer then uses the baton to pin the teen’s ankles against his body as bystanders urge him to stop.

“It’s a f**cking kid!” a bystander yells. “Get off him, he’s been jaywalking. Leave him alone, he didn’t do anything wrong.”

The officer repeatedly orders the teen to stop resisting as the teen writhes in pain from having the baton pinned against his ankles.

The teen eventually sits up and tries to push the baton away from his legs, and the officer swings it twice at the teen’s face.

“Get the f*ck off of him, it’s a f*cking kid,” a bystander yells.

The officer backs up and orders the teen, who sits on the wall holding his injured jaw, to get on the ground.

Eight other officers begin arriving at that point, and they lift the teen up and walk him several feet away from the wall before slamming the teen onto the sidewalk.

Four officers then pile on top of the teen and pin him to the ground before handcuffing him, as the other four officer stand guard and attempt to block the Avendaño’s camera angle.

The officers pull the handcuffed teen to his feet, and the teen sobs as he’s led to a patrol car as the bystander continues yelling at officers.

“That’s a f*cking kid, he didn’t do nothing wrong,” she says. “Call his f*cking mama.”

Under California law, jaywalking is an infraction, not a misdemeanor, carrying fines up to $191.

Stockton police said situation is under review.

Maybe he's a black Ted Bundy? :snark:
[Image: giphy.gif]
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Another violent jaywalker off the street... - GMDino - 09-17-2015, 04:18 PM

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