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Another violent jaywalker off the street...
(09-17-2015, 04:44 PM)fredtoast Wrote: As much as I crusade against excessive force used by police people have to understand that they can not resist arrest.  Here is the dumbets line from the story

Naturally, the young boy tried to defend himself by pulling the cops arm off of him,

There is nothing "natural" about resisting a police officer.  This type of perception is what makes the problem worse.  

For example, what if this guy just happened to fit the description of someone the police were looking for on other charges?  

You never win by resisting arrest.  Some police violate peoples rights.  I don't think anyone here will deny that.   If the police violate your rights the only way to win is in a courtroom.  You can't try to fight them on the streets or resist their orders. much this.....

(09-17-2015, 04:56 PM)GMDino Wrote: Again agreed.  But they didn't charge him with anything buy jaywalking?  Why would he be being pinned if he did nothing but not do what the officer said immediately?

I see an officer striking a citizen in the face, twice, for "resisting" and then five officers taking him to the ground.  But he was big for his age so I that's OK.

Edit:  This is what happens with video.  Imagine what has happened without it?  Maybe the officers video will be released and we'll see the beginning.  Maybe the guy deserved to be hit, twice, in the face and then have four officers take him down.  He must have done something pretty bad.

Or just not listened to the police fast enough.

They did him a favor. They really could have charged him with assaulting an officer and resisting arrest.

(09-17-2015, 06:28 PM)GMDino Wrote: What about when an officer lays his hands on YOU?

Just because the officer tells you to do something doesn't mean he can physically grab you if you don't respond fast enough for him does it?
I'm about as law abiding as one can be and I'm telling if an officer grabbed my arm and I didn't think I did anything I'd for damn sure pull away.  So I should be restrained and hit twice in the face?

The guy could have ran after getting hit in the face, twice.  Instead he sat there.  Clearly he was trying to resist.

And whether he resisted or not I think the officer took it too far.

As has been already stated, we didn't see the beginning of the event, so we may be missing context.
Without that, we can only go on what we see.
The kid was being held down with the baton.
The cop let off a little, then the kid tried to wrestle the baton away.
The cop shifted the baton from side to side in an effort to loosen the kids grip on it.
The officer MAY have intended on busting the kid in the chops with it, while doing so (tough call).
Regardless, the officer sheathed the baton immediately after the bout for it.
The officer then checked the kid's hands to make sure no illegal drugs were being ingested, that may have been taken from a pocket while his attention diverted to sheathing the baton.
He checks for the same thing again, after taking a moment to recover his body camera.
(this is a shame that they have to worry about the cam to defend themselves, taking their attention off of the situation)
After he is sure there is no weapons or contraband, he is content to wait until backup arrives.

Now.... this is where I agree with you.
I do not see the need for several cops to subdue the kid to the ground.
With that many officers there, I just don't see the need.
The only way it is justified is if the kid had his hand in his pocket and seemed a threat.
Yes he should have completely complied, but that was excessive.
Also, did you notice the other officer's training kick in to block the cell phone footage ?

A strange age we live in.

Additional thought: After watching it another time, I'm going to say the bus driver made a call, before the kid got off of the bus.
Am I right in thinking the chick with the reflective vest (in the beginning) is the bus driver ?
She looks like she's enjoying the situation, along with her cigarette.
I think there is a lot more preceding this video.

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RE: Another violent jaywalker off the street... - Rotobeast - 09-17-2015, 07:06 PM

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