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Trump's new Sec. of Labor has some baggage...
(12-03-2018, 05:37 PM)GMDino Wrote: Acosta has baggage that surpasses a lot of other "baggage".

But I get people defending him...I'm sure they were all defending Hillary and all the others too.   

We may be learning more about what went on behind the closed doors. The Miami Herald is still going through all the documents they've acquired. 

I am curious now about the Senate vote to confirm him: 60-38. The Epstein case was at least mentioned at the time, but in articles like the following it is embedded in more laudable and "normal" work.

4. He worked on some high-profile cases as U.S. attorney.

As a top federal prosecutor in Miami, Acosta led the case against Washington GOP lobbyist Jack Abramoff, who was charged with five counts of wire fraud and one count of conspiracy related to the purchase of gambling boats. Abramoff pleaded guilty to conspiracy, fraud and tax charges in 2006. Acosta was also involved in the prosecution of accused terrorist Jose Padilla, who was allegedly part of an al-Qaeda support cell in South Florida that was raising money for terrorists.

Acosta achieved convictions against Colombian drug cartel members Miguel and Gilberto Rodriguez Orejuela. He led the case against Charles “Chuckie” Taylor Jr., who was convicted of torturing people who opposed his father, a former Liberian president. He also oversaw the case against Jeffrey Epstein, the wealthy financier accused of running a sex ring with underage girls. Epstein avoided federal charges when he pleaded guilty to state charges of soliciting prostitution, an agreement that was criticized by some of the alleged victims.

This looks like a good resume, as presented. Most of the iceberg is underwater. But Feinstein did suggest that Epstein's treatment of the girls suggested that he would not have the interests of workers in mind.

The impression I get from the Herald articles read thus far is that Epstein's own lawyers created most of the pressure on Epstein, but it didn't work with Joseph Recarey, the detective on the case, and Michael Reiter, the police chief.

Acosta, in 2011, would explain that he was unduly pressured by Epstein’s heavy-hitting lawyers — Lefkowitz, Harvard professor Alan Dershowitz, Jack Goldberger, Roy Black, former U.S. Attorney Guy Lewis, Gerald Lefcourt, and Kenneth Starr, the former Whitewater special prosecutor who investigated Bill Clinton’s sexual liaisons with Monica Lewinsky

Also it appears that Acosta was outright colluding with Epstein's lawyers to figure out how keep 90% of the iceberg out of sight.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: Trump's new Sec. of Labor has some baggage... - Dill - 12-04-2018, 12:39 AM

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